Research just published in Canada by researchers at the University of Manitoba – International Journal of Nanotechnology – have shown that Siliver nanoparticles (AgNP) when soaked or plastered on polyurethane condoms can effectively ‘inactivate’ the viral effects from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD).  Research lead by Dr Xiaojian Yao has claimed that “Till now, there has been no single condom with additional protection against sexually transmitted infections (STI) available on the market”.  However when the group’s novel nanoparticle condoms contacted HIV, “the infectiousness of the virus could be completely inactivated”.  Though the research is still at its early stages, with the next step being animal studies for nanoparticle contraceptives, the researchers seek to state that the possibility for early market entry is far off.  Original article available here

We at DCN Corp believe the above is a key step in nanotechnology being made available to the mass consumer markets.  Moving forward – if you or your colleagues are interested in making the above a reality – please ensure to contact the company to test the experimental hypothesis.